About Juliet Parrott-Merrell

Miss Rosie Puppy Cat And Me -April 2020.

Watch The Video Read Aloud Here

Hi Everybody! I’m Juliet Parrott-Merrell, cute cartoon artist and Zazzle.com designer and affiliate. These days, I spend most of my time sitting at our kitchen table taking it easy, drinking coffee, and going back and forth between creating art and watching the world go by. When I’m not doing that I’m usually reading or watching YouTube videos or TV. My favorite shows to watch these days are Cutler’s Court, Divorce Court, On Patrol Live, 9-1-1 and The Good Doctor. I also watch a lot of classic sit-coms and classic cartoons, police, medical and detective shows and baseball. My husband Paul and I found a ball game on TV last summer (2022) and have been hooked on baseball ever since. The San Diego Padres are our home team, but I also have a tendency to root for the Seattle Mariners and any team that has to do with space or heaven or is named after a bird.

I also love enjoying and exploring the outdoors when and wherever I can. City parks and parklettes, older residential neighborhoods, farmer’s markets, street fairs, forested areas and land that belongs to American Indians are my favorite places to explore. Since going out here in Temecula is so much more difficult for people in my circumstance, most of my outdoor exploration these days is confined to daily walks in our neighborhood. If you’d like to see the pictures I’ve been taking, you can visit my Instagram here.

For those of you who might be interested, I was born with cerebral palsy, born and raised in Portland, Oregon, use a power wheelchair and only see partially out of one eye My other eye was removed a few years ago due to an eye stroke and glaucoma. I’m also married to Paul and love cats, rainbows, flowers, sunshine, coffee and funny and sarcastic memes.

Above is a pic of me and Miss Rosie PuppyCat. We were each others earthly companions for about 15 years, until she crossed the rainbow bridge on June 24, 2020. She and I hope when you see this picture of her and me, you’ll smile like we still do when we think of each other.

If you’d like to email me directly, you can do so by going to my Linktree and clicking the envelope at the top.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time! Have a a great day!
(and if you need to hear it, YOU’RE DOING AWESOME!)