About This Newsletter

Watch The Video Read Aloud Here

If you enjoy receiving personal cards and letters from friends, you might enjoy this fun weekly newsletter that I recently started in an effort to stay in touch with my friends and family, keep myself busy, give myself something meaningful and fun to do and help me accept myself and my seemingly boring life right where we’re at. You might also enjoy this newsletter if you’re a fan of simple slow living, finding the joy in little things, gratitude or streamlining your life).

In it, you’ll find short updates on the latest happenings for me and my husband Paul along with interesting news stories I have read, social media content I’ve seen and interesting observations, reflections and other neat things that have come into my Parrott’s nest throughout the week.

I’ll also share new greeting cards and other products from my Zazzle shop, along with any other new writings I might do, and a weekly quote or piece of insight that spirit has been kind to share with me.

Each newsletter will be accompanied by a read aloud video for those who would like to listen to the newsletter instead of physically read it.

If this sounds interesting to you and you’d like to become a regular reader, please scroll down to the bottom of my blog, put your email in the box and hit “subscribe”.

Thank you for reading and purchasing products from my Zazzle shop if you felt so moved. Likes, comments and shares of these newsletters are also appreciated.

If you have any comments, please send them via email or put them in the community section of my Youtube page or under each video.

Until next time! Enjoy a sweet sweet week! 👍🥰👍


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